Meet Alistair Davis

Meet Alistair Davis, a 15-year-old athlete from our Akron, OH, program. After seeing everyone’s reactions to Alistair’s story by his High School Varsity Tennis Coach Craig Sampsell, we knew we had to get to know him. A freshman out of Firestone High School, Alistair participates in our ACEing Autism Akron program and “he really looks…

Meet Xander Leonard

Meet Xander Leonard, a 14 year-old athlete from our McKinney, TX, program. Contrary to other sports or activities he tried before, “he was eager to try this one,” his mother Kara laughed. But not only has ACEing Autism benefitted Xander in many ways, “it has kept us close as a family as well. We all…

Meet Kevin Hudak

Meet Kevin Hudak, an 18-year-old athlete from Akron, OH, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 1 year old. “One of my girlfriends who worked at the hospital stopped by to meet Kevin but discovered that he had apnea,” Kevin’s mother, Karen, explained. “Then, we discovered that he had a stroke in utero, which we…

Meet Susan Nardi

Meet Susan Nardi, our new Program Director from our Help Group Culver City, one of our school-based programs. “I’ve worked with the hearing and visually impaired before and autism is a space I haven’t worked in before but I’ve been wanting to do it,” the PTR professional, PTA elite pro, PTA and PTR wheelchair trained…

Meet Quinn Webb

Quinn Webb is a 15 year-old athlete from our Pittsburgh, PA, program. Diagnosed at two and a half years old, Quinn first overcame some speech impairments, and thanks to ACEing Autism, he is currently developing new social and motor skills. “Quinn has always needed help with hand-eye coordination and tennis has definitely helped him,” the…

Meet Corbin Darling

Meet Corbin Darling, a volunteer from our Pittsburgh program. “I’m very passionate about advocacy, especially for autism so I couldn’t pass up this opportunity,” the father of two explained. On top of being an avid tennis player, Corbin also mentions that he has a connection with autism as he has family members on the spectrum.…

Meet Rhys Travis

Meet Rhys Travis, a 7-year-old athlete from our Lexington, KY program. “He usually has a hard time transitioning so I was worried about transitioning to tennis on weekends but it’s been the most amazing thing, he never complains!” the mother of two tells us. “When it’s time to get ready, he puts his own shorts…

Meet Anya Rammohan

Meet Anya Rammohan, a 15 year old volunteer from our Thousand Oaks program. Tennis being a huge part of her life, she was excited to find something where she could share that passion. “This experience made me realize how much I love working with kids on the spectrum,” the bubbly high schooler shared. When she…

Meet Nils Weldy

Meet Nils Weldy, the first Program Director in the Charlotte, NC program. Involved with the organization since 2013, he originally teamed up with ACEing Autism after meeting ACEing Autism’s founder, Richard Spurling, at a Boston Chamber of Commerce tennis tournament in 2005. “It really was Richard and his vision of growing the sport that resonated…